Manifestations of Eternity

Материал из энциклопедии Учения Григория Грабового
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«Manifestations of Eternity» is a work written by Grabovoi G.P. in 2000. Additions by Grabovoi G.P.


Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich

«Images represented in the book were produced by me in the places of the most intense representations of eternity. Such places are present everywhere and people should look for them to perceive the state of eternal life. The book teaches the reader how to find such places by following the intrinsic logic of cognition represented in the images.

By viewing the images, you perceive the result of a certain method of getting in touch with eternity and finding eternity in the actual world and you understand that it is possible to do. The light wave of eternity can also be dynamic, in which case it can manifest itself for spiritual vision as light impulses and white lines. The perception of eternal character of spirit, mind, soul and body brings natural harmony to your health and the events that take place.

When you look at the images presented in the book, you can imagine yourself or another person who you would like to help in the places shown or you can imagine touching the eternity manifested in the images with your hand. Such experience lets you feel that the whole world consists of eternal matter and being in the state of eternity by using the images will provide deeper understanding of the world’s eternity to provide eternal life for everyone».

Pen and Ink

The key elements of the image in pen and ink technique are lines and hatching. The perception of pen and ink pictures where the lines and hatching serve as the main elements of the image, allows the perception of the overlap of static and dynamic waves of reality, produced by eternity.

When looking at such images the underlying structure of eternity, which is behind the outline method of performance and the ornately shaped nature of lines comes out. As the edge of the pen is always hard, the transition from the eternity, visualized in lines, to the eternity in space without any lines, takes place at the level of mind, thus, allowing the extrapolation of the eternity to life by means of picture perception, effectively bringing the events into existence, providing the eternal life.

The integration of such Pen and Ink technique with the image space, related to a certain geographical area, where Grigori Grabovoi was able to determine the areas of natural eternity with the help of his clairvoyance ability, makes it possible to master the eternity technique with the reinforcement of knowledge in the soul.

Manifestations of Eternity #001
Manifestations of Eternity #002
Manifestations of Eternity #003
Manifestations of Eternity #004
Manifestations of Eternity #005
Manifestations of Eternity #006
Manifestations of Eternity #007
Manifestations of Eternity #008
Manifestations of Eternity #009
Manifestations of Eternity #010
Manifestations of Eternity #011
Manifestations of Eternity #012
Manifestations of Eternity #013
Manifestations of Eternity #014
Manifestations of Eternity #015
Manifestations of Eternity #016

Linoleum Engraving

The key elements of the image in linoleum engraving technique are expressiveness and sharp contrasts of black and white, thus, allowing the highlight of information shades, matching eternity. At the same time, rich and picturesque lines, achieved with the help of material softness, illustrate that contrast, merging with the roughness and gray tones, produces soft forms of life. Contrast is like imprinted eternity, which makes it possible to experience the mechanism of capturing the entire world with the eternity.

The places of eternity, selected by Grigori Grabovoi in the images, superimposed on the Divine eternity, the eternity from the Creator, allow one to experience through the images created by G.P. Grabovoi the spiritual state which, brings the eternal life into existence.


The key element of the image in pastel painting technique is a combination of the potential of graphic arts and painting. Grigori Grabovoi with the help of his clairvoyance, realized the presence of life in every line of the time, presented in various forms. The form, reflecting the contents of time, is revealed in the eternity.

Pastel colors, with their soft silky lines and blurred edges, give us the knowledge on the organization of the life processes from the life itself, thus, making the self-contained eternity. Background colour of the paper, showing through the drawing, intensifies the colour effect, adding to the light. The background in human consciousness makes it possible to perceive the stable and persistent future of the eternity.

Having used the clairvoyance, Grigori Grabovoi applied only those colors of physical space, shown in the pictures, which, in combination with pastel technique and manifested areas of eternity in the space, could produce the events, securing the eternity for the physical body. The peculiarity of pastel, consisting in special shimmer effect gives an insight into the fact that the development of human mind to the level of eternal life is mainly the act of nothing more than thoughtful, capable of perceiving light thinking.


The essence of the image in aquarelle technique is in the light, reflected by paper, and passing through the transparent layers of colors. The paintings were created by Grigori Grabovoi in such a manner, that he used his clairvoyance in the sphere of simultaneous perception of the reflected light and the light of eternal reality. Therefore, he has chosen the plots with the images, containing dynamic eternity, which turns into the substance which becomes one with the person perceiving it by looking at the image. Here Grigori Grabovoi recommends a long-duration viewing of the images that particularly stand out for you and attract special eternal attention.

The simplicity of the watercolour technique, when you just need to be able to correlate between the quantity of water and color at the brush and paper, simultaneously allows the understanding the universal harmony, directed at the reproduction of the beauty of action. The inner beauty of the world is the source of its perceivable eternity. The aquarelle technique is easy as no efforts are seen in this art. The eternal life may be easily reached, it is necessary to start treating it like a process, which is similar with arts in some cases. Such perception can be learnt by looking at the works of Grigori Grabovoi “Manifestations of eternity”.

It is essential that the place of location of the eternity, manifested in the physical space, is fixed through Grigori Grabovoi’s clairvoyance with the help of graphic arts. Using the controlled clairvoyance, Grigori Grabovoi created the elements of images, each of which secures the events of eternal life without their fixation at a certain place, but only by means of thinking.


The gouache technique makes it possible to create a painting with the use of dense saturated colors, showing the equality of the eternity, manifested in the geographic position and eternity, created with the help of thinking, thus, revealing the existence of eternity by means of consciousness. The main properties of gouache are good coating ability and non-transparency, so that it is possible to paint dark tones over with the light ones and build a bright present and future of eternal life for all.

The technique of using the clairvoyance is applied here in such a manner that there is the eternal reality behind the colored elements of the images, which exists in the initial impulse, determining the whole reality. This allows the understanding that any, even initial, action of a person and of everything alive in general, contains the eternity, embedded in the specific impulse of this initial activity.

The action, produced for the purpose of eternity, always realizes the eternity. The possibility of figurative perception of the action, expressed in the images, showing the eternity, develops the ability of control clairvoyance. That is why the perception of images develops this ability.

Upon the consecutive perceiving of images of «Manifestation of Eternity» one may feel the history of development of these images, leading to the eternity mastery. There appears a comprehension that the main essence of life consists in its eternity, connecting with the eternity, which comes from the perceivable image.


Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich

Las imagenes en este libro fueron creadas por mí en los lugares con las áreas de la manifestación más intensa de la eternidad. Estos lugares hay por todo el mundo y es oportuno encontrarlos para poder captar el estado de la vida eterna. El libro permite aprender cómo identificar estos lugares siguiendo la lógica interna del conocimiento expresada en las imágenes. Viéndolas a las imágenes usted puede captar el resultado de una práctica concreta del roce con la eternidad y estancia en la realidad de la eternidad, y entiende que puede actuar del mismo modo. La onda luminosa de la eternidad es támbién dinámica, y puede representarse en las imágenes para la visión espiritual como impulsos luminosos y líneas blancas. La percepción del estado de la eternidad del espíritu, conciencia, ánimo y cuerpo normalizan en la forma natural la salud y los acontecimientos de la vida. Cuando ve las imágenes representadas en el libro, puede imaginarse a si mismo u otra persona al quien ayuda en los lugares representados o mentalmente tocar con la mano la eternidad representada en ellas. Esta percepción permite sentir que todo el mundo consta de una materia eterna, el estado de la eternidad en las imágenes permitirá explorar más a fondo la eternidad del mundo para garantizar la vida eterna para todo el mundo.


Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich

Le immagini presentate nel libro sono state da me create nei luoghi dalle manifestazioni delle zone più intense dell' eternità. Questi luoghi sono ovunque ed è opportuno trovarli per percepire lo stato di vita eterna. Il libro permette di imparare ad identificare questi luoghi seguendo la logica interna della cognizione esposta nelle immagini. Guardando l'immagine si percepisce il risultato della pratica concreta di contatto con l’eternità e di ritrovamento dell'eternità nella realtà e ci si rende conto che si può agire in un modo simile. L’onda luminosa dell’ eternità può essere anche dinamica, in questo caso nelle immagini questa può mostrarsi alla visione spirituale come impulsi luminosi e linee di colore bianco. La percezione dello stato di eternità dello spirito, della mente,dell’anima e del corpo raziona in modo naturale gli eventi e la salute. Quando si guardano le immagini presenti nel libro, si può immaginare se stessi o un'altra persona che si sta aiutando nei luoghi che sono raffigurati, o toccare mentalmente con la mano l'eternità che si manifesta nelle immagini. Con questa conoscenza si può intuire che, in generale tutto il mondo è costituito dalla materia eterna, e mantenere uno stato di eternità mediante le immagini vi permetterà di esplorare più profondamente l'eternità del mondo per assicurare la vita eterna a tutti.


格拉伯沃伊 格里高利 彼得罗维奇 – Grabovoi G.P.

本书包含的图像是我在永恒表现最强的领域所进行的创作。这 种领域到处存在,并为获取永生需要去寻找它。本书可以让您学会 通过遵循图像内在逻辑发现这种领域。细看图像您会领悟与永恒接 触并寻找实际永恒的具体经验结果,而且您会明白,您自己也可以 像这样行动。永恒的光波有时也是很活跃的,这时它会为思想的成 熟 在图像上以光脉冲及白线表示。接受精神、意识、心灵及身体 的永恒 可将健康和事件规格化。当您欣赏本书中所包含的图像 时,您可以想象自己或您在图像画的地方帮助的别人,或者您可以 心里触摸一下图像表示的永恒。拥有这种知识,您可以感觉到甚至 全世界都是由永恒物质组成的,并通过观看图像处于永恒状态, 处于这种状态可使您更深地理解世界永恒并可保证所有人永生。


Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich

Aku membuat gambar yang terdapat dalam buku ini pada titik-titik di mana tampilan keabadian khususnya intens. Titik-titik tersebut eksis di mana-mana dan bermanfaat untuk ditemukan guna mempersepsikan kondisi kehidupan yang abadi. Buku ini membantu mempelajari cara menemukan titik-titik tersebut dengan mengikuti logika batin dalam mempelajari cara menaruh gambar. Dengan mengamati gambar, Anda mempersepsikan hasil dari pengalaman aktual menyentuh keabadian dan tetap berada dalam keabadian sejati dan Anda memahami bahwa Anda juga dapat bertindak dengan cara yang serupa. Gelombang cahaya keabadian tersebut juga dapat bersifat dinamis; dalam kasus ini ia mewujudkan dirinya dalam gambar sebagai impuls cahaya atau garis putih ke visi spiritual Anda. Persepsi tentang kondisi keabadian ruh, pikiran, jiwa dan raga secara alamiah membuat kesehatan Anda dan peristiwa kehidupan menjadi normal. Ketika Anda mengamati gambar yang terdapat dalam buku ini, Anda dapat memvisualisasikan diri Anda atau orang lain yang Anda bantu dalam titik-titik yang digambarkan atau menyentuh secara virtual keabadian yang terwujud dalam gambar. Dalam pembelajaran ini Anda dapat merasakan bahwa seluruh dunia terbuat dari substansi yang abadi dan tetap dalam kondisi keabadian. Gambar tersebut akan membiarkan Anda menyerap lebih dalam keabadian dunia guna memberikan kehidupan yang abadi bagi setiap orang.


Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich

Die im Buch gegebenen Darstellungen wurden von mir von den Orten der Offenbarung der besonders intensiven Gebiete der Ewigkeit geschaffen. Diese Orte gibt es überall und es ist zweckmäßig, sie für die Wahrnehmung des Zustandes des ewigen Lebens aufzufinden. Das Buch ermöglicht es, die Feststellung solcher Orte zu erlernen, indem man die innere Logik der Erkenntnis befolgt, dargelegt in den Darstellungen. Indem Sie die Darstellungen betrachten, nehmen Sie das Ergebnis der konkreten Praxis der Berührung mit der Ewigkeit sowie des Aufenthalts in der Realität der Ewigkeit wahr und verstehen, dass Sie auf diese Art und Weise handeln können. Die Lichtwelle der Ewigkeit kann auch dynamisch sein, dann kann sie sich in den Darstellungen für das geistige Sehen als Lichtimpulse und Linien weißer Farbe offenbaren. Die Wahrnehmung des Zustandes der Ewigkeit des Geistes, des Bewusstseins, der Seele und des Körpers normiert auf natürliche Weise die Gesundheit und die Ereignisse. Wenn Sie auf die Bilder schauen, die im Buch gegeben sind, so können Sie sich selbst oder einen anderen Menschen, dem Sie helfen, in den Orten vorstellen, die dargestellt sind, oder Sie können in Gedanken mit der Hand die Ewigkeit berühren, die in den Bildern offenbart ist. Bei solch einer Erkenntnis können Sie empfinden, dass die ganze Welt allgemein aus der ewigen Materie besteht und der Aufenthalt im Zustand der Ewigkeit mit Hilfe von Bildern ermöglicht es Ihnen, sich die Ewigkeit der Welt tiefer anzueignen, um das ewige Leben allen zu sichern.


Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich

As imagens apresentadas no livro são a minha reprodução das áreas mais intensas da eternidade. Semelhantes áreas existem por toda a parte e será razoável buscá-las para perceber o estado da vida eterna. O livro facilita aprender a determinar estas áreas utilizando para o efeito a lógica inerente do conhecimento exposta nas imagens. Ao contemplar as imagens Você assimila o resultado da prática concreta de entrar em contacto com a eternidade e de se encontrar na realidade da eternidade, apercebendo-se de que é capaz de actuar precisamente desta maneira. A onda luminosa da eternidade pode também ter o carácter dinâmico e então dentro das imagens se revela na visão espiritual na forma de impulsos luminosos e linhas de cor branca. A percepção de que o espírito, consciência, alma e corpo são eternos normaliza de forma natural a saúde e os acontecimentos. Ao contemplar as imagens apresentadas no livro Você pode imaginar a si mesmo ou uma outra pessoa a quem presta ajuda nas áreas reproduzidas ou apalpar mentalmente com a mão a eternidade plasmada nas imagens. Semelhante forma de conhecimento possibilitará sentir que, de facto, todo o mundo é composto da matéria eterna e a penetração na eternidade com a ajuda das imagens permitir-lhe-á dominar mais habilmente a eternidade do mundo com o fim de garantir a vida eterna a todos.


Грабовой Григорий Петрович – Grabovoi G.P.

Изображения, данные в книге, создавались мной с мест проявления наиболее интенсивных областей вечности. Такие места есть везде и их целесообразно находить для восприятия состояния вечной жизни. Книга позволяет обучиться определять такие места за счѐт следования внутренней логике познания, изложенной в изображениях. Рассматривая изображения, Вы воспринимаете результат конкретной практики соприкосновения с вечностью и нахождения в реальности вечности и понимаете, что можете действовать подобным образом. Световая волна вечности бывает также динамичной, тогда в изображениях она может проявляться для духовного зрения световыми импульсами и линиями белого цвета. Восприятие состояния вечности духа, сознания, души и тела естественным образом нормирует здоровье и события. Когда Вы смотрите на изображения, данные в книге, то можете представить себя или другого человека, которому Вы помогаете, в тех местах, которые изображены, или мысленно прикоснуться рукой к вечности, проявленной в изображениях. При таком познании Вы можете ощутить, что вообще весь мир состоит из вечной материи, и нахождение в состоянии вечности с помощью изображений позволит Вам глубже осваивать вечность мира для обеспечения вечной жизни всем.


Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich

J’ai créé les images présentes dans ce livre à partir des lieux de révélation des zones d’éternité les plus intenses. Ces lieux sont partout et il est opportun de les trouver pour percevoir l’état de la vie éternelle. Ce livre permet d’apprendre à localiser ces lieux selon la logique interne de la connaissance exposée dans les images. En les regardant, vous percevrez les résultats de la pratique concrète du contact avec l’éternité et de la présence de l’éternité dans la réalité. Vous comprendrez ainsi que vous pouvez agir de façon similaire. L’onde lumineuse de l’éternité peut être également dynamique: dans ce cas, elle peut se révéler par des images pour une vision spirituelle à travers des impulsions lumineuses et des lignes blanches. La perception de l’état d’éternité de l’esprit, de la conscience, de l’âme et du corps fixe de façon naturelle les règles de la santé et des événements. Quand vous regarderez les images présentes dans ce livre, vous pourrez imaginer vous-mêmes, ou une autre personne que vous aidez, dans les lieux représentés, ou bien toucher mentalement de la main l’éternité révélée par les images. Par cette connaissance, vous pourrez vous apercevoir que le monde entier se compose d’une matière éternelle, et le fait d’être en état d’éternité vous permettra, à l’aide des images, d’explorer plus profondément l’éternité du monde, afin de garantir la vie éternelle à tous.


グリゴリー・ペトロヴィチ・グラボヴォイ– Grabovoi G.P.

本の中の画像は永遠の中の最も強烈な症状の場所から私が取った。永遠の 生命の状態の認識に適したこのような場所はどこにでもあり、それらを見つけ る必要がある。この本では、画像に含まれる知識の内部ロジックに従うことに より、そのような場所を識別する方法を学ぶことができる。画像を見てみると あなたは永遠の具体的な実践との接触の結果を知覚し、永遠の現実を発見して 同様の方法で行動することができることを認識する。永遠の光の波はまた動的 で、その場合それが画像では精神的なビューのために光パルスと白線の形で現 れることができる。精神、心、魂と体の永遠の状態の認識は自然的な方法で健 康とイベントを均一にする。本の中の画像を見てみると、画像の場所で自分自 身や他の人を想像することができ、また画像の永遠に手で触れることができる 。この知識を使用すると、全世界が永遠の問題で構成されており、画像に永遠 の状態にいることにより世界の永遠性をもっと深く皆の永遠の命のために探検 することができる。